Quantity–Frequency Variability (QFV – 30 days)
Recommended frequency: Every 4 weeks
The QFV 30 and the QFV 14 were developed from the Form 90, a structured interview to assess alcohol treatment outcomes. The QFV (Quantity-Frequency Variability) scales ask 3 questions, to assess the change in a person’s quantity and frequency of alcohol consumption over time.
The scales specifically track change in (i) how many days of drinking during the time period; (ii) average drinks on days when a person was drinking; and (iii) the number of ‘binge’ days (defined as 5 or more drinks).
Psychometric Properties
Studies have evaluated the reliability and validity of the Form 90. The test showed good-to-excellent reliability for all key summary measures of alcohol consumption and psychosocial functioning, and most frequently used illicit drugs had moderate reliability. No decay in consistency of self-reported drinking was found at more distal points from dates of test-retest interviews.
Source: http://psycnet.apa.org/record/1997-05167-003
The Scale
All of these questions ask about your drinking DURING THE PAST 30 DAYS. For each question, please indicate the correct number in the space provided.
For Question 2 and 3, any of the following counts as ONE DRINK:
One glass (10 ounces) of beer
One glass (4 ounces) of wine
One ounce of liquor or other distilled spirits
This assessment asks about three important factors related to alcohol consumption: (1) drinking days, (2) average drinks, and (3) number of days consuming 5 or more drinks. The QFV is intended to track changes in these factors over time.
Copyright Information
Tonigan, J. S., Miller, W. R., & Brown, J. M. (1997). The reliability of Form 90: An instrument for assessing alcohol treatment outcome. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58(4), 358-364.