Apr 29, 2022  |   < 1

Community Alternatives

Platform: Measurement-Based Care

Population Served: Adults and Youth

Organization Type: Not-for Profit Community-Based Social Service Agency

Location: New Castle, PA

We’re thrilled to welcome our new partner, Community Alternatives, a leader in serving the behavioral and mental health needs of people in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio for over 20 years. Greenspace’s Measurement-Based Care (MBC) platform is being implemented across their three main programs: Behavioral Rehabilitation Services, Outpatient Mental Health Clinic, and Autism Services.

Previously, Community Alternatives used measures with their clients for diagnostic purposes. They’re now enhancing their measurement practices to include metrics that:

  • Monitor therapeutic alliance;
  • Track overall service quality of each program they offer;
  • Demonstrate the impact of their programs to funders and board members.

An important example of how they’ll be using Measurement-Based Care to improve services is their plan to implement measures on family functioning scales in Autism Services. This will allow them to collect data and establish a baseline in an area where they wouldn’t have previously had objective data. This data will help them better understand how family functioning impacts their clients, and empower them to use these insights to inform quality improvements by tailoring their approach to treatment moving forward.

Community Alternatives recognizes the clinical value MBC brings to their staff, especially in terms of gaining visibility into client results and understanding their progress in care. Implementing MBC is the natural next step for Community Alternatives in their commitment to provide high-quality, evidence-based services.