Nov 17, 2020  |   < 1

Quality of Life | WHOQOL-BREF

WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF)

Recommended frequency: Every 2 weeks


The WHOQOL-BREF was developed in to look at domain level profiles which assess quality of life. Quality of life is defined by the WHO as “individuals’ perceptions of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns”. It is a broad ranging concept incorporating in a complex way the persons’ physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships, personal beliefs and their relationships to salient features of the environment. This definition reflects the view that quality of life refers to a subjective evaluation, which is embedded in a cultural, social and environmental context.



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The Scale

This assessment asks how you feel about your quality of life, health, or other areas of your life. Please answer all the questions. If you are unsure about which response to give to a question, please choose the one that appears most appropriate. This can often be your first response.

Please keep in mind your standards, hopes, pleasures and concerns. We ask that you think about your life in the last two weeks.

The following questions ask about how much you have experienced certain things in the last two weeks.

The following questions ask about how completely you experience or were able to do certain things in the last two weeks.

The following questions ask you to say how good or satisfied you have felt about various aspects of your life over the last two weeks.

The following question refers to how often you have felt or experienced certain things in the last two weeks.

Scoring the WHOQOL-BREF

The WHOQOL-BREF (Field Trial Version) produces a quality of life profile. It is possible to derive four domain scores. There are also two items that are examined separately: question 1 asks about an individual’s overall perception of quality of life and question 2 asks about an individual’s overall perception of their health. The four domain scores denote an individual’s perception of quality of life in each particular domain. Domain scores are scaled in a positive direction (i.e. higher scores denote higher quality of life). The mean score of items within each domain is used to calculate the domain score. Mean scores are then multiplied by 4 in order to make domain scores comparable with the scores used in the WHOQOL-100.

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World Health Organization