MBC Education  |   May 16, 2024  |   2 minute read

Key Resources from ‘Transforming Behavioral Health Systems Through Measurement-Based Care’

During our last educational panel, there were several key resources, studies, and reports shared and discussed by our panel of experts: Melinda Lehman, Executive Director of Behavioral Health Care and Human Services at the Joint Commission, world-renowned applied psychologist and leading global expert on MBC, Dr. David Clark, and CareSource’s Senior Director of Complex Health Solutions, Behavioral Health, Dr. Sandra Berg.

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To learn more about the value of Measurement-Based Care for health systems and large organizations, explore the resources our panelists shared below:

1. Meet the Panelists

Learn more about our panelists Dr. Sandra Berg & Melinda Lehman: Meet the Panelists: Transforming Behavioral Health Systems Through Measurement-Based Care

Learn more about Dr. David Clark: Speaker Spotlight: Dr. David Clark

2. The Kennedy Forum

The Kennedy Forum’s original 2015 report on Measurement-Based Care has served as an important resource for the behavioral health industry as MBC is increasingly recognized as a foundational component of high-quality, evidence-based care.

The Kennedy Forum (2015) Fixing Behavioral Health Care in America: A National Call for Measurement-Based Care in the Delivery of Behavioral Health Services

The Kennedy Forum (2016): Supplement to Fixing Behavioral Health Care in America: A National Call for Measurement-Based Care in the Delivery of Behavioral Health Services

3. The Joint Commission on Measurement-Based Care

The Joint Commission recognizes MBC as a foundational component of delivering evidence-based care. They’ve developed resources and materials to support organizations seeking accreditation, which Melinda Lehman expanded on during our session.

The Joint Commission (November 9, 2021) Webinar: Improving Outcomes with Measurement Based Care

The Joint Commission (May 25, 2023) Measurement-Based Care: Make the Most of Your Data to Improve Client Outcomes

4. Replicating the IAPT Model in Norway

Dr. Clark shared the outcomes achieved in Norway when the IAPT program was replicated, which ultimately demonstrated that its adoption significantly increased access to effective treatment for adults who suffer from anxiety and mild to moderate depression

Smith et al. (2017). Initial Results of Prompt Mental Health Care, the Norwegian Version of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

Knapstad et al (2020) Effectiveness of Prompt Mental Health Care, the Norwegian Version of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies: A Randomized Controlled Trial

5. System-Level Measurement-Based Care

Greenspace developed a couple pieces of educational content ahead of the panel to help registrants learn more about implementing MBC at a system level and provide some background on the NHS Talking Therapies program— which is a great example of MBC applied across a complex health system.

Greenspace (June 29, 2023). Thrive, NHS Talking Therapies, and the MBC Movement

Greenspace (April 2, 2024). A Measurement-Based Care Roadmap for Health Systems

To learn more about MBC or discuss implementation in your unique service setting, reach out anytime at info@greenspacehealth.com or schedule a call.